STORY at Demand Response WS in Sustainable Places 2016 conference

The Sustainable Places 2016 conference ( ) took place on June 29th to July 1st, 2016 in Anglet, France. This year, the SP’16 event included 10 thematic sessions, 13 workshops, 6 scientific posters displayed, 2 special sessions, networking opportunities, and visits of local pilot sites for demonstrating innovative technologies being implemented. About 150 delegates, coming from Europe and other parts of the world attended the event. The conference proceedings are now available at:

STORY was one of the projects in charge of organising a WS on “Quantifying the BUSINESS VALUE OF DE-MAND RESPONSE: Initiatives for Energy Suppliers & DSOs”. The other projects were:

  • SIM4BLOCKS : Simulation Supported Real Time Energy Management in Building Blocks (
  • DR-BOB – Demand Response in Block of Buildings ( )
  • CITYOPT – Holistic simulation and op-timization of energy systems in Smart Cities (
  • E2-DISTRICT : ‘Energy Efficient Opti-mised District Heating and Cooling”

The key aim of the workshop on 29th June was to facilitate an understanding of the ongoing demand response innovation and research in each of the participating projects. Mia Ala-Juusela from VTT gave a general presentation of the STORY project in the WS, concentrating on the approach to DR in the project. The different methods enabling the quantification of the cost/benefit of demand response initiatives to reduce electricity demand for electricity suppliers and DSOs were discussed by the participants. It was concluded that it is essential to account for the particular regulatory and market conditions which are often missing from the current generalized approaches to quantifying demand response initiatives.