STORY partner visited conferences in Dublin and Grenoble!

Our partner Andrej Gubina, University of Ljubljana, reports:

My visit to the Energy Institute and Electricity Research Centre Annual Symposium 2015 and to the DREAM Winter school: Distributed intelligence for Smart Grids

How does the information received affect my work with STORY?
The application of small scale storage that is the focus of STORY dos not happen in vacuum. The developments of the environment into which the storage solutions are implemented, the electricity distribution grids are currently undergoing an important transition: the development of many new smart grid technologies, implementation of control strategies, new services, new stakeholders and their business models all provide a fertile ground for storage solutions to thrive.
Since our mission in STORY is to see what value can storage bring to the stakeholders and how, virtually every aspect presented in this symposium influences my work in STORY: the development of KPIs, the stakeholder interaction methods, the control strategies… the list goes on and on.
The participation in such events add the important stones to my mosaic of understanding of the issues, but also informs me of the latest developments in the field. I therefore invite you to join me in the journey deeper into the smart grid realm to uncover the new and exciting opportunities for small scale storage!

The Energy Institute and Electricity Research Centre Annual Symposium 2015
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 23.-24.11.2015
Symposium summary

The Energy Institute and Electricity Research Centre Annual Symposium 2015 took place at the University College Dublin, Ireland, 23.-24. November 2015. The theme of the Symposium was International Collaboration with over 260 attendees, including 70 from international organisations across twelve different countries (China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Russia, Switzerland, UK and USA).
On 23. November, the Symposium started with Pre-Symposium workshops, where the participants discussed selected topics including H2020 Funding Opportunities; Water-Energy Nexus; Mathematical Sciences Collaboration in Energy Systems Integration; Future Topics for Collaborative Research on Consumer and Markets; Operating and Planning Low Inertia Power Systems and Energy Systems Modelling. The workshops were followed by a seminar at the ESRI given by Prof. Karen Turner of University of Strathclyde, Scotland on “Reducing Rebound without Sacrificing Macroeconomic Benefits of Increased Energy Efficiency in Public/Freight Transport”. The evening lecture in UCD entitled “Working Together to Unlock the Role and Value of Flexible Technologies in supporting a Cost Effective Transition to a Lower Carbon Energy Future” was given by Prof. Goran Strbac from Imperial College London.
The main event was on 24. November at UCD, consisting of 3 panel sessions and 3 poster sessions. The Panel Sessions consisted of an overview presentation of the existing and future potential collaborations in the topics of Energy Systems Integration, Energy Systems Technology and Energy Systems Policies, Markets and Regulations. The panel sessions also involved open discussions between the panel members and the Symposium attendees. The research outputs of the Energy Institute and the Electricity Research Centre were presented through the poster sessions on the day, with over 60 posters presented, including research work of some of the international collaborators.
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The DREAM Winter school: Distributed intelligence for Smart Grids
Grenoble INP – Ense3 (Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble), Grenoble, France, 14. – 17. December 2015

The DREAM Winter school entitled “Distributed intelligence for Smart Grids” took place at Grenoble INP – Ense3 (Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble), Grenoble, France, between 14. – 17. December 2015 and was chaired by the Scientific Coordinator of the FP7 DREAM project, Prof. Raphael Caire.
As keynote speakers at the Winter School, several well known researchers from the DREAM project and from the twin FP7 projects (evolvDSO, IDE4L and INCREASE) funded under the same EU FP7 call as a key research institute of knowledge and interest, such as the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, TNO, INECS Porto, Dansk Energy, NTNU, HEDNO, Grenoble INP, Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki and University of Ljubljana. The lectures highlighted the recent advances in the field of distributed intelligent control, focussing on increased integration of renewable energy sources in the distribution network, as well as facilitating the distributed demand response control. Various aspects tackled in the four projects, namely technical, market, economic and regulatory aspects were highlighted. The key take-home messages include the translation of the innovative concepts into the regulatory practice and the need of their demonstration through realistic demonstration.

The Winter School welcomed 150 participants. In addition to the PhD students from Université Grenoble Alpes who attended the distributed intelligence courses, a large participation of students from the KIC Innoenergy (Smart Cities and SENSE) was arranged. After the lectures, the students participated in the EU level discussion and then attended a creativity course in relation with the energy market topic.
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