Webinar on Regulation for Storage

On May 16th 2019 Vlerick Business School proposed a webinar on Regulation for Storage as part of their work as  work package leaders in ‘WP8: Business Preconditions’.

The aim of the webinar was to provide an overview of the main regulatory issues that affect the roll-out of storage. The topics treated in the webinar were:

– Regulatory clarity: Legal definition of storage and its status within the electricity system and planning regimes.

–  How network charges can, in some scenarios, put storage at a disadvantage.

– Who should be allowed to own storage?

– Co-location of storage with renewables

– Technology specific balancing service design


This webinar was co-organized by Vlerick Business School, Innoenergy and STORY, under the scientific supervision of:

Leonardo Meeus, Vlerick Business School and Florence School of Regulation at RSCAS (EUI) and Ariana Ramos, Vlerick Business School.

To access a recording of the webinar please click here.

Download the slides here.