Seminar: Business Models and Regulation for Storage, organized by Vlerick

STORY-Seminar held in Brussels on November 30th 2018


The H2020 STORY project demonstrates how energy storage can be used and integrated into current power systems. In a framework where different actors can use storage assets it is essential to identify the business models and regulation that make storage sustainable. How can users at a residential, industrial and network level make use of storage? What are the different use cases and how can these services be remunerated? What are the necessary interactions with market participants or suppliers? How does the regulatory framework shape these interactions?

The aim of the seminar was to provide a platform for researchers and industry players working on business models and regulation for storage to meet and discuss the state of the art in the integration of storage technologies.


Seminar date: November 30th 2018
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Venue: Vlerick Business School, Avenue du Boulevard 21, 1210 Brussels, Belgium


Friday 30 November 2018

09.00 – 10.30    Business models for storage

            Leonardo Meeus | Vlerick Business School


                         Patrick Clerens | European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) | PDF Presentation

                         Alan Thompson & Alastair Currie  | UK Power Networks Services | PDF Presentation

                         Servaas Van Den Noortgate | FlexGrid | PDF Presentation

                         John Harrison | H2020 STORY & B9 Energy | PDF Presentation

10.30 – 11.00    Coffee break

11.00 – 12.30    Potential of different storage technologies

           Ariana Ramos | Vlerick Business School


                      Yannick Perez | LGI Lab CentraleSupélec | PDF Presentation

Borne, O; Petit, M; Perez, Y. (2018) “Net-Present-Value Analysis for
Bidirectional EV Chargers Providing Frequency Containment Reserve”

                      Kenneth Bruninx | KU Leuven, VITO & EnergyVille | PDF Presentation

Schillemans, A; De Vivero Serrano, G; Bruninx, K. (2018) “Strategic Participation of Merchant Energy Storage in Joint Energy-Reserve and    Balancing Markets”

                      Mathias Berger & David Radu | University of Liège | PDF Presentation

Berger, M; Radu, D; Fonteneau, R; Ernst, D; Deschuyteneer, T; Detienne, G (2018) “Centralised Planning of National Integrated Energy System with Power-to-Gas and Gas Storages”

12.30 – 13.30    Networking lunch

13.30 – 14.45    Impact of regulation on business case of storage technologies

        Leonardo Meeus | Vlerick Business School


Tim Schittekatte | Florence School of Regulation, Université Paris-Sud XI & Vlerick Business School | PDF Presentation

Schittekatte, T. (2018) ”On the interaction between distribution network tariff design and the business case for storage”

                      Niels Govaerts | KU Leuven, VITO & EnergyVille | PDF Presentation

Govaerts, N. (2018) “Spillover Effects of Distribution Grid Tariffs in the Internal Electricity Market: an Argument for Harmonization?”

                      Ksenia Poplavskaya | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology & TU Delft | PDF Presentation

Poplavskaya, K. (2018) “Impact of balancing market design on business case for storage”

14.45 – 15.00    Closing remarks

                      Leonardo Meeus | Vlerick Business School

                      Patrick Clerens | European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE)